

bwin体育苹果下载iOS制作是创造奇迹的行业, 创造新世界, 探索新的故事,把不可能变成可能. 实现自己的想象力, 很多艰苦的工作, 幕后需要汗水和决心. The reality is: having a career in the screen industry often means long days, 艰苦的工作条件, 很多压力和意想不到的挑战.

The pressure that the filmmaking lifestyle puts on an individual’s mental wellbeing has been spoken about more loudly than ever in the last two years, 根据bwin体育苹果下载iOS和电视慈善机构委托的一份报告, 魔镜, as well as the attention that was brought to the difficulties of freelancing during the COVID pandemic and lockdowns. 魔镜报道采访了9位,000 industry professionals working in the UK’s media sector and found that almost 90% of off-screen filmmakers had experienced some form of mental health issue on the job. This figure is significantly higher than the 65% average in the rest of the general population, 谁在工作中经历过心理健康问题. 报告提出的问题是持续的长时间工作, 缺乏工作与生活的平衡, 社会隔离, 工作压力, 甚至毒品和酒精依赖. Speaking with Variety, Alex Pumfrey, the CEO of The Film and TV Charity, said:

There isn’t sufficient support for people in the right place at the right time and in the right way. 有很多, 需要发生翻天覆地的变化, 这当然不会在一夜之间发生.

Alex Pumfrey,影视慈善机构

在LFA, 我们使学生具备实践能力, hands-on skills and experience that they need to get on the right road towards the film industry. 除了那些创造性的技能, we’re keen to ensure that the next generation of filmmakers are fully prepared for the reality of the industry that they’re about to step into, 这样我们就可以在我们的部门内促进积极的变化. 我们相信, 作为一个教育机构, we have a responsibility to train our creatives in mental resilience and self-care, 以及创造性的表达, so that their wellbeing need not suffer alongside their creative success.

看看下面这些保持健康的小贴士吧, 作为bwin体育苹果下载iOS行业的从业者. At the bottom is a list of resources and helplines to reach out to for further support, 如果你需要的话.



无论你身处哪个行业, 保持健康的睡眠水平, 营养, 水合作用是维持心理健康的关键. Putting in place these foundations are essential to remaining calm, collected, and focused on set.

  • 每晚尽量睡7-8个小时, and establish a night-time routine to encourage a stable sleeping pattern. 这可以包括睡前阅读或洗澡, 或者在睡觉前30分钟关掉手机!
  • 每天要有规律地进食,尽量保持均衡的饮食. Drops in blood-sugar can cause 情绪波动 and a slump in energy, so make sure to keep eating!
  • Dehydration can cause adverse mental, as well as physical, health effects. When you’re on set, your body needs to consume enough water to keep you energized. Always take a refillable water bottle to set, and make sure to get your recommended 2 litres per day!



Research undertaken by the Wellcome Trust suggests that taking regular breaks from focused work can reduce your risk of mental health issues, 以及提高生产力. 当然, 片场安排得很紧, 拍摄时间有限, 定期休息并不总是那么容易. 只有2-5分钟的新鲜空气, 走, or sitting down for a cup of tea or in a new environment can make a huge difference to your stress levels throughout the day. Communicate with your AD on set to ensure that you’re getting the breaks that you need; everything will look a little brighter when you return!



正念和呼吸练习很简单, 但有效的, 这些方法可以平息你头脑中的噪音,让你回到正轨. The practice of 心fulness can be as minimal as taking notice of the rhythm of your breathing and noticing the thoughts that arise unprompted. 身体扫描是一种有效的焦虑管理技术, where you move your attention slowly to the sensations felt through different parts of the body, 从脚开始, 移动到你的头顶. 这是一个冷静下来的好机会, 如果在繁忙的工作中休息一下是不可能的, since 心fulness and breathwork can be practiced anywhere and are unnoticeable to anybody else around you. These practices can help us to manage difficult or explosive emotions in the moment.



为了避免急性焦虑, 情绪波动, 以及在困难时刻的情绪压力, we can put in place a support system for ourselves which will help ensure that we are grounded and fulfilled in our spare time. Physical exercise is a great way of relieving stress and clearing your 心. Exercise doesn’t have to be a marathon or a weight session; it can be as simple as a short walk, 快速瑜伽伸展, 或者在你的卧室里跳舞! Exercising releases endorphins which improves our mood and revitalizes our brain chemistry.

Another simple self-care practice is journaling; simply writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you to understand them more clearly, 也把它们从你的脑袋里取出来, 在哪里他们会陷入不健康的自言自语和消极的假设. 不要担心写回忆录! Even 10 minutes of writing about your feelings can help you feel like a load has been lifted.

Self-care doesn’t have to be elaborate; it can be as simple as putting on your favourite film, 给自己做一顿健康的饭, 读一本好书或者只是整理一下你的房间. 从小处开始,你很快就会看到好处!



这似乎有悖常理,但有时当我们需要帮助时, 我们可以从伸出援手和帮助有需要的人中得到好处. Volunteering to help those less fortunate than ourselves can boost our mental wellbeing by giving us access to social interaction, 目的感和意义感, 以及感激之情,感激我们在自己的生活中所拥有的一切. Volunteering can help us connect with those around us and make us feel more of a part of our local community, whilst empowering us with the knowledge that our actions have made a positive difference in someone else’s life, 即使我们自己并不处于最积极的状态.

Take a look at the link below to scout out volunteering opportunities in the LFA local area, 在富勒姆.

点击这里 哈默史密斯和富勒姆志愿者中心



Only 7% of the respondents to the Looking Glass survey said that they would speak to a superior or head of department about an issue they were having with their mental health. 分享问题,问题减半, 并寻求帮助, 即使只是5分钟的谈话或快速签到, can put our 心s at ease and help us feel like a weight has been lifted. 如果你在片场感到焦虑, 或者在你的个人生活中与你的心理健康作斗争, 试着和你的部门主管或制作人谈谈, 或者这看起来太吓人了, 找另一个你觉得可以信任的船员谈谈. 你也可以向你个人生活中的支持网络倾诉, 你在LFA的私人导师或bwin娱乐负责人, 或者LFA顾问, 丹尼斯·韦恩, 长期支持.

If you’re looking for immediate crisis support, here is a list of helplines below:


